Thursday, May 22, 2008
Slowed down @ 9:59 PM
enjoyed crapping with yiying, yantong and christine today at the bookshop. haha, been ages since i talked to them.
well, no voice again. so, if you all need anything, msg me .
all the best for those taking the 'O' Levels MT paper this coming Monday
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Slowed down @ 8:37 PM
whee, been "slacking" these two days.. well, finally managed to finish my data thing, but still have to double check and check before submitting.. better enjoy my break before the work piles up again.
holidays are coming.. will be seeing some of you for lesson (sorry, i know you dont want to see me.. but i have no choice).
enjoy your holidays :D
p.s: hsc-ians, see you all real soon! after 15 jun!!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Slowed down @ 4:35 PM
getting more and more forgetful lately. i wonder if it's because i am getting older or is it because i'm too preoccupied with other things.
bleah. i better not forget i have class.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Slowed down @ 3:45 PM
nothing much to blog, so i shall post some videos. :D enjoy
Cute PV by LM.C:
For FF lovers:
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Slowed down @ 9:53 PM
i seriously can't wait for this coming week to be over.